• Top Tips 22.06.2011 No Comments

    Kennedy Space Centre


    Kennedy Space Centre has many attractions and is easily holds a full day of exploration.  You may need to watch the time to get to see everything.

    It is possible to ‘Add On’ to your General Admission ticket but unless you have been before then there really is no need as your time will be limited getting to see everything that is available.

    Along with the main visitor centre there is a full tour included in your general admission ticket, as well as free entry to the Imax Films that are showing (usually 2 of them)

    Cape Canaveral

    KSC Tour – This includes an Air Conditioned Bus Ride out to Cape Canaveral.  You will get to visit the Apollo / Saturn V Centre where you can witness just what went on in mission control when the Saturn V was launched.  You will get to see the rocket itself as well as many other exhibits.  There is of course the obligatory gift shop and cafe. [The gift shop back at the main visitor centre is bigger and much better!]


    As part of the bus tour you will also get to visit the LC39 Observation Gantry.  This offers an amazing view of launch complex 39 and pads 39A and 39B where many many Shuttle Launches have taken place.  You will also get a brilliant view of the Vehicle Assembly Building otherwise known as the VAB [Did you know the stripes of the American Flag in the side of the building are wide enough to drive a bus down?] You will also get to see the road that the Crawler Transporters move along when transporting the Shuttle in an upright position out to complex 39. [Did you know just one o fhte links on the Crawler Transporter’s caterpillar tracks weight 1 tonne?]

    Imax Films

    So either before you leave for your tour or when you return don’t miss the Imax films at Kennedy Space Centre. At the time of writing they are both 3D Adventures lasting aproximately 45 minutes each.  One is titled Hubble 3D  narrated by Leonardo Di Caprio it focuses on Hubble’s legacy and the profound impact it has had on the way we view our universe and ourselves.  The other narrated by Tom Cruise is titled Space Station 3D it takes the audience on a journey from planet Earth to The brightest star the International Space Station.  It shows an onboard shuttle launch a space walk any many other exciting adventures in 3D.

    The Main Visitor Centre also offers a host of other attractions.  You can even experience a Shuttle Launch.  You will be briefed by veteran Space Shuttle Commander Charlie Bolden, you will then take your seats for launch.

    The Rocket Garden, The Astronaut Space Mirror Memorial, The Astronaut Hall of Fame, The Space Shuttle Plaza and Exploration Space should also keep you very busy if you happen to find yourself at a loose end!

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